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Monday, December 28, 2009

The Main Idea

As you may have noticed from the change of the URL, we believe we've come up with a title for our book. It is, "Don't Freak Out!" We thought this to be a wonderfully simple, encompassing phrase for the point we, and all the artists we interviewed, are trying to make with this book. We'd like to thank Josh Pearson, former lead singer of the former band Nevertheless, for this title- it's a quote from their interview.
That said, this post is dedicated to Nevertheless. They just recently decided to part ways, amicably, to pursue other interests and God's will. We wish each member the best in their future endeavors.
Oh man, I loved these guys! Everyone we interviewed was great, and I truly mean that, we have been amazingly blessed, but these guys definitely stood out to us. Half of that was that they were SO funny. I wish I could share every little funny moment in that interview on this blog, but that would probably be spoiling things to come in the book.
"Don't freak out." Hearing these guys' stories, it's obvious they took this advice. They had total confidence in God, or at the very least they were totally apathetic- Guitarist A.J. Cheek said "Looking back, I probably should've been MORE nervous about my future!" They didn't worry about conventions, or societal pressure. Some of them went to college for awhile, and they all emphasized school as being a valuable experience. However, they did eventually trade school for a full-time music ministry. Their hearts are so passionate about helping hurting people.
These guys want you to know you don't have to have it all figured out, especially not at 17 years old. Despite what some school officials and others may tell you, you have time, and you don't want to waste money and resources and be stuck somewhere God doesn't intend for you to be. When it feels like everyone else around you knows exactly what to do with themselves (psst... they don't), it's perfectly okay if you don't. The main idea- "Don't freak out, and rely on God."
Thank you, Josh Pearson, A.J. Cheek, Adam Rowe, and Adam Wann. We know we don't have to worry about you and, whether it be writing scores, working for the Travel Network, or anything else, God will lead you all to great things!